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Course 6 - The Filesystem

The Basics:

Without the help of graphics, it is important to know the specific commands to navigate a Linux filesystem, especially if you ever end up in a professional setting.

The Linux filesystem is made of directories and of course, files. The root directory where all other nodes stem from is represented with a simple backslash(/). Each following directory is referenced by a backslash and its name (ex. /user). Files are simply referenced using their name and file extension. Here is an example:


This is a file path to the cats.txt text document. The above expression states that from the root directory, stems the home directory, which can access the user directory, which can access the Downloads directory. Finally, the cats.txt text document is the Downloads directory. A single typo in this statement will result in the file not being found.

*Note: remember that you can press tab to get Linux to autocomplete input for you!

Filesystem Commands: